OSHUN  beta
Arbitrary Order Spherical-Harmonic 1D-3P Vlasov-Fokker-Planck-Maxwell code

The equation set used in OSHUN is normalized such that the mass is normalized to the electron mass, the velocity to the speed of light and the time to the inverse of the electron plasma frequency.

For a collisionless problem, the units are specified by setting the normalizing density.

For a collisional problem, Z0 also needs to be provided as 'hydrocharge' in the input deck.

The full list is as follows:

$ \tilde{n} = n / n_0 = n / n_{input} $

$ \tilde{Z} = Z / Z0 $

$\tilde{t} = t / t_n = t \times \omega_{p0} = t \times \sqrt{n_0 e^2 / m \epsilon_0}$

$\tilde{v} = v / c $

$\tilde{x} = x / \lambda_n = x / (c / \omega_p) $

$\tilde{T} = T / T_n = T / m_e c^2$